Polyamory Sexy is the largest sex and polyamory dating portal in the world. Do you want to practice polyamory sex? We confirm that you are in the right place. On our dating site you will be able to meet thousands of members who identify with polyamory sex. People with an open mind and without prejudices. We are a community that has evolved over the traditional stereotypes. Polyamorous relationships have no hard and fast rules. There are no rules about who you can love. There are no rules about when you can love someone and who you cannot. Polyamory is not a fad. Polyamory is not a competition. Polyamory is not something you can seek out on a dating site. It is not a political movement to separate our lives into male and female only. Polyamory is not for the faint of heart, and is not easy. If you are in a relationship, then it is your relationship and you should be able to talk openly about how it is and what it means to you, not someone else. Sometimes people use polyamory to escape their difficult or abusive relationships. When they are trying to get out of the relationship and want a new start, they may choose to start a polyamorous relationship. Sometimes when they see that this relationship is working for them, they can continue the polyamorous relationship that they had, or choose to move into a more conventional relationship. It can be a win-win situation, but it is important to make sure you are in a monogamous relationship before you enter a polyamorous one. Polyamory is not about your love life, but is about the love you give and receive. Being polyamorous means not only loving two or more people, but having an open and honest relationship about your relationships and feelings. If you are in a polyamorous relationship and are happy and feel that you have found the perfect relationship for you, then there is no reason why you can't be in a monogamous relationship as well. Despite the misconception, it is not all about sex. There are many loving relationships that are polyamorous in nature and are simply not interested in having sex with people they have love for, for a variety of reasons. Many people choose not to have sex with their partners because of religion, preference or some other reason. Polyamory is not about stealing someone else's partner. People in polyamorous relationships often feel that their love is something special. The love that they share is not about taking away someone else's partner or stealing away someone else's love, but about sharing the love that they have for all of their partners. There are no jealous feelings, there are no hurt feelings, and there are no need to hide it or hide it from one of the partners. There are no feelings of resentment, because all of the partners are allowed to be there for each other. Polyamory is not about locking someone in the shed. Polyamorous relationships are based on honesty, and therefore do not feel the need to hide any love.